Import duties and VAT
Customers outside the EU & EAA
Our website automatically shows the lowest possible Ex-Vat price (Excluded Value Added Tax), but Focus Rat Global SRL in NOT responsible for any duties and taxes levied outside of the EU & EEA, as these are determined by the customs regulations of each individual country (including but not limited to UK, USA, Canada). These charges are usually collected by the shipping carrier upon delivery.
To avoid unnecessary taxes & duties, we recommend visiting our partners page and purchasing the desired product directly from them.
Customers within the EU & EAA
Our website automatically adds the applicable 19% VAT. No additional charges will occur.
B2B Customers within the EU & EAA
If you have a valid EU VAT number, please introduce it at checkout (VAT Number Text Box). After verification, we are going to automatically reimburse the VAT to you and adjust the invoice accordingly.
For any other question you might have, please dont hesitate to contact us at our customer suport page by clicking here.
We also recomend you read our FAQ page, your questions might be already answered there.